Monday, July 27, 2020

Entrepreneurship invasion

Entrepreneurship invasion So yesterday, Im in my office trying to catch up on email when a student who I havent seen in a long time stops by my office. In the process of catching up, he asks me about how one takes a year off from MIT. Why are you taking a year off? I ask. Well, he tells me, he, an MIT friend, and another guy have started a company. He wants to take a year to devote himself fully to the start-up. And hes trying to get a freshman I know to join the team, too, at least for the summer. The company is called Dropbox, and I must say Im impressed by their technology and ease of use. Click here or on their logo below to see the demo I thought it was awesome. Theyre in beta now, so if you run Windows (I dont; MacOS and Linux coming soon, Im told), you may want to sign up and try it out. Basically, it is a super-easy way to synchronize files across computers. I love being at a place where students are so creative and are always starting amazing things like this. And I love randomly hearing about them on some random Wednesday afternoon. From the You-cant-make-this-up Department: Another student whos taking a semester off to grow his now-successful startup just stopped by the office, while I was writing this entry. I didnt plan it, it just happened. More on entrepreneurship at MIT: MIT Entrepreneurship Center Entrepreneurship courses MIT: The Impact of Innovation MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition MIT Enterprise Forum Update from the comments: Drew 05, founder of Dropbox, writes in: hey this is drew houston 05 (founder of dropbox and the mit friend from the article :)) being a recent grad i can vouch for the kind of enthusiasm and support that the MIT community has for entrepreneurship (the E-club, enterprise forum, etc.); it makes the jump a lot easier. if anyone has any questions about entrepreneurship at mit (or wants to learn more about dropbox :)) give me a shout at houston at alum dot mit dot edu. take care!